• 挤塑板怎么样存放






In the thermal insulation materials in our country, extruded plates are used in many cases, they will not only be used in construction sites, in industrial occasions, they also appear. However, wherever we use them, we must be careful to store them where we do not intend to use them. So, how do we store them to make sure they work? 1, pay attention to the drying, in the storage of such thermal insulation materials, we must pay attention to the degree of drying in the storage environment. Because this is a thermal insulation material, and has a certain toughness, if they directly contact with water, or contact with moisture, then, in long-term storage will be eroded phenomenon. Therefore, in order to use the effect, storage must pay attention to the degree of dryness. 2, pay attention to corrosion, extrusion plate in storage, we should pay attention to corrosion. Although this kind of insulation material is stronger anticorrosive material. However, in the storage process, if long-term exposure to some of the more serious material, dust or other corrosive ingredients, then the thermal insulation materials will also be corrupted. Therefore, storage, for all kinds of corrupt ingredients, but also to avoid.