在施工前应检查雨棚、窗台、外装饰线条应横平竖直,墙体无搭架孔洞,不开裂、不掉粉、不起砂、 不空鼓、无剥离、无石灰爆裂点和无附着力不良的旧涂层等;外墙保温装饰板基层应清洁,表面无灰尘,无浮浆、无油迹、无锈斑、无 霉点、无渗出物和无青苔等杂质。
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The quality of the basic level directly affects the construction quality of the external wall insulation decoration board. Then the insulation board will introduce to everyone what the basic level treatment of the external wall insulation board is like.Check the situation of the original external wall tiles, cut out the part of the empty drum, clean the wall with oxalic acid or other cleaning agents to ensure that the surface of the tiles is clean and free of stains. Then use the special pasting interface agent(stone cortical filling material) to brush, coating the wall brick surface with interface agent, completely cover the brick wall, and ensure that the flatness reaches the intermediate dust standard.Before construction, the canopy, window sill and exterior decoration lines should be checked horizontally and vertically, and the walls should not be fitted with holes. No cracking, no powder, no sand, no empty drum, no stripping, no lime burst points, and no poor adhesion to old coatings; The exterior wall insulation decoration board base should be clean, the surface is no dust, no floatation, no grease spots, no rust spots, no mildew spots, no exudates and no moss and other impurities.If you want to know more, please visit our company's official website to find out about Http://www.boenhb.com/